Saturday 2 May 2020

King Arthur and the Grimoire of Lust - 47

With the passing of the King and Queen, Gawaine and Morgana became the new King and Queen of Essetir. Morgana continued feeding on Gawaine night after night. It wasn't long before the new King too succumbed to his illness leaving Morgana as the sole heir to the throne. The people and knights of the Kingdom loved Queen Morgana as she continued to weave her public relation magic over them, while the few that strongly objected would later mysteriously became her supporter. Under Morgana's rule the Kingdom of Essetir looked like any other flourishing Kingdom but Unbeknownst to the world she was secretly building an army of undead soldiers for the Dark Lord. One by one the prisoners on death row were sent to the Queens secret chamber instead of the gallows to be given an offer they couldn't resist.

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