Monday 3 April 2017

PB9X - 10

Tara returned to her maintenance pod as Dr. Dave started the memory wipe protocol on her as a security measure while he scanned himself for any residue nanites as well as issuing the termination code to make sure he is cleared of any nanites. However, Dr. Dave made the mistake of programming the personality of a succubus too literally into his pleasure bot. Because of that, the objective of the nanites was to enslave Dr. Dave and it will not terminate until that objective is achieved. With the help of the advanced AI the nanites managed to bypass the termination code issued by Dr. Dave and hid from his nanite scanner. Unbeknownst to Dr. Dave, the nanites remained in his body as he left the lab.


  1. pregunto que cuerpo usas para crear a esa mujer me dirias quisiera aprende daz studio a modelar

    1. i use Tara & Sachra HD for Victoria 7

  2. gracias sigue así vas muy bien con tu creaciones seguiré tus pasos
