Saturday 1 June 2024

Ruxi - 573

Those survivals who only lost their will power after copulating with Ruxi became her personal sex slaves serving her every whims. She loved toying with them as she pulled her slaves hair to tilt his head up towards her while her toe was caressing his throbbing cock. "I need you... to do something for me." she looked down at him as she gently traced her finger up his chin. "Anything for you my goddess. I live to serve you." he professed even as he was about to explode from her toe job. "Worship me with your tongue." she ordered as she pushed his lips towards her crotch and rested her right thigh on his shoulder giving him better access to her place of worship.

那些在与如曦交配后没有失去理智,却完全失去了意志力的人,成了她的贴身性奴隶,为她的一时兴起服务。她喜欢玩弄他们,她拉着奴隶的头发,让他的头朝她倾斜,而她的脚趾则爱抚着他抽动的阴茎。 “我需要你……为我做一件事。”她低头看着他,手指轻轻地抚摸着他的下巴。 “我的女神,什么都可以给你。我活着就是为了侍奉你。”就在他即将因她的脚趾工作而爆发时,他承认了这一点。 “用你的舌头崇拜我。”她命令道,同时将他的嘴唇推向她的胯部,并将右大腿靠在他的肩膀上,让他可以更好地进入她的礼拜场所。