Saturday 1 June 2024

Ruxi - 573

Those survivals who only lost their will power after copulating with Ruxi became her personal sex slaves serving her every whims. She loved toying with them as she pulled her slaves hair to tilt his head up towards her while her toe was caressing his throbbing cock. "I need you... to do something for me." she looked down at him as she gently traced her finger up his chin. "Anything for you my goddess. I live to serve you." he professed even as he was about to explode from her toe job. "Worship me with your tongue." she ordered as she pushed his lips towards her crotch and rested her right thigh on his shoulder giving him better access to her place of worship.

那些在与如曦交配后没有失去理智,却完全失去了意志力的人,成了她的贴身性奴隶,为她的一时兴起服务。她喜欢玩弄他们,她拉着奴隶的头发,让他的头朝她倾斜,而她的脚趾则爱抚着他抽动的阴茎。 “我需要你……为我做一件事。”她低头看着他,手指轻轻地抚摸着他的下巴。 “我的女神,什么都可以给你。我活着就是为了侍奉你。”就在他即将因她的脚趾工作而爆发时,他承认了这一点。 “用你的舌头崇拜我。”她命令道,同时将他的嘴唇推向她的胯部,并将右大腿靠在他的肩膀上,让他可以更好地进入她的礼拜场所。

Monday 27 May 2024

Ruxi - 568

Ruxi sauntered into the dungeon wearing only a sheer robe. Her body was literally oozing sexuality as the chamber was saturated with her pheromones the moment she entered. Her prize today was a captured enemy soldier. She sneered at his rising cock seemingly unimpressed by his inability to resist her charm. The desperate look on his face told her that she'd already owned him. "Another weak willed man whose mind will be obliterated by pleasure before they blow their load inside me." she thought to herself knowing that this one is not worthy to serve her and decided to use him for her sustenance.

"At least his physique is adequate." Her eyes roamed up and down the virile body of her chained prisoner before she started toying with his throbbing cock. "You want to put that inside me don't you?" she asked tracing her finger along the underside of his cock from the base. "Yes... Mistress... Please..." A wicked smile formed on her lips despite knowing these weak soldiers will readily surrender to her. "How do I know you can satisfy me?" She loved hearing her thralls declaring how far they'd go for her. "I'll give you anything you want." "Even your life?" She expected nothing less from those who whished to enter her. "Yes, even my life." Satisfied with his response she let her robe slide off her body as she openly transformed into her demonic form. His lust for her was so strong that the revelation of her demonic nature did not even trigger his survival instinct. She draped her arms around his neck and straddled his waist, with her body pressed firmly against his, she brought her lips close to his pressing her soft globes into his chest, teasing him with a kiss only to lift her body upwards and pushed his face into her chest instead, trapping his head between her large full breasts. The concentrated scent he drew in from her valley made his cock grew bigger and harden even more. "Drink my love." he obediently started sucking on her nipple and drinking her poisoned milk. Her succubus drug will make sure her prey was fully capable of delivering what she wanted from him before slowly lowering herself onto his cock. "Is this what you want?" She loved looking at her preys facial expressions as her pussy swallowed their cocks. Knowing that she would own them completely once they were sheathed inside her was an intoxicating feeling that she'd never get tired off. "Feels good doesn't it?" "Yes... Mistress." The inside walls of her love tunnel started undulating and milking her preys cock making him moan in ecstasy. His pleasure center was now under her complete control. He eagerly betrayed his comrades for her, letting her massage all the secrets he knew out of his throbbing cock. Once she had milked him of all the intel's, it's time for the main course. "Are you ready to give yourself to me?" she asked knowing his desperate need for release from her edging. "Yes... anything... please..." "Cum... and give your life to me..." the prisoner exploded inside her and his cock delivered what it was made to deliver but her drug made sure it will never stop until he expired. Each spurt was like an intense orgasm, his mind was obliterated by the pleasure while his body spasm uncontrollably, he became nothing more than a source of energy for her. She arched her back enjoying the intoxicating power she had over him, her hips rocking hypnotically while her pussy used his ejaculating cock like a straw to siphon his essence out of him. She let out a long drawn out moan of satisfaction as she feasted on his life force. The prisoner's mind was too gone to moan, his body jerked each time he pumped his life into the demoness making her more radiant and beautiful while his own body shriveled up. A slurping sound was made when Ruxi dismounted the prisoner's husk, his face still wearing an ecstatic expression. "Thanks for the meal." she whispered into his ear and gently caressed his face as his husk disintegrated into ashes, his hand cuffs fell onto the floor leaving behind only the chains that once bounded him.

如曦只穿着一件透明长袍,慢悠悠地走进了地牢。她的身体确实在渗透着性欲,因为她一进入房间就充满了她的信息素。她今天的战利品是一名被俘的敌方士兵。她嘲笑他勃起的阴茎,似乎对他无法抗拒她的魅力不以为意。他脸上绝望的表情告诉她,她已经拥有了他。 “又是一个意志薄弱的人,在他们把负担炸到我体内之前,他的思想就会被快乐所抹杀。”她心想,知道这个人不配侍奉她,决定用他来养活自己。

“至少体质还可以。”在她开始玩弄他抽动的阴茎之前,她的目光在被锁链锁着的囚犯充满男子气概的身体上来回扫视。 “你想把它放进我体内,不是吗?”她问道,用手指从根部沿着他阴茎的下侧抚摸着。 “是的……女主人……拜托……”尽管她知道这些弱小的士兵会轻易向她投降,但她的嘴角仍浮现出邪恶的微笑。 “我怎么知道你能满足我?”她喜欢听她的奴隶宣布他们愿意为她走多远。 “你想要什么我都会给你。” “连你的命都算了?”她对那些想进入她的人抱有同样的期望。 “是的,甚至是我的生命。”她对他的回答感到满意,让长袍从身上滑落,公开地转变为恶魔形态。他对她的欲念如此强烈,以至于她的魔性暴露都没有触发他的求生本能。她搂住他的脖子,跨坐在他的腰上,身体紧紧地贴在他的身上,她的嘴唇贴近他,将她柔软的球体压进他的胸膛,用一个吻戏弄他,只是把她的身体向上抬起,推着他的脸。相反,他的头被困在她丰满的乳房之间。他从她的山谷中吸入的浓烈气味使他的阴茎变得更大、更硬。 “喝下我的爱。”他乖乖地开始吮吸她的乳头,喝她的毒奶。她的魅魔药物将确保她的猎物完全有能力从他那里得到她想要的东西,然后慢慢地将自己降低到他的阴茎上。 “这是你想要的吗?”当她的阴户吞下猎物的鸡巴时,她喜欢看着猎物的面部表情。知道一旦它们被收进她体内,她就会完全拥有它们,这是一种令人陶醉的感觉,她永远不会厌倦。 “感觉很好不是吗?” “是的……夫人。”她的爱情隧道的内壁开始起伏,吸吮她猎物的阴茎,让他在狂喜中呻吟。他的快乐中心现在完全在她的控制之下。他急切地为了她背叛了他的同志,让她从他抽动的阴茎中按摩他所知道的所有秘密。一旦她榨取了他所有的情报,就该吃主菜了。 “你准备好把自己交给我了吗?”她问道,知道他迫切需要从她的边缘中解脱出来。 「是的……任何事情……拜托……」 「射精……把你的生命交给我……」囚犯在她体内爆炸,他的鸡巴输送了它该输送的东西,但她的药物确保了这一点永远不会停止,直到他过期。每一次的冲刺都像是一次强烈的高潮,他的精神被快感所抹杀,而他的身体却不受控制地痉挛,他只不过是她的能量来源而已。 她弓起背,享受着她对他拥有的令人陶醉的力量,她的臀部催眠般地摇晃着,而她的阴户则像吸管一样利用他射精的阴茎,将他的精液从他身上吸走。当她享受着他的生命力时,她发出一声长长的满足的呻吟。囚犯的心智已经无法呻吟,每次他将自己的生命注入恶魔体内时,他的身体都会抽搐,让她变得更加容光焕发,更加美丽,而他的身体却在萎缩。当如溪将囚徒的躯壳卸下时,发出了一声“吸”的声音,他的脸上还带着欣喜若狂的表情。 “感谢招待。”她在他耳边低语,轻轻抚摸他的脸,他的躯壳化为灰烬,只留下束缚他的锁链。

Saturday 27 January 2024

Ruxi - 525A

"Watch my prince as I turn your loyal knight into my servant." The witch made sure the prince could see all the intimate details as she made him watch her subjugate his knight. The prince couldn't help but got aroused as he watched the witch had her way with the knight. She made him beg for release from the overwhelming pleasure and once he surrendered his seed, the witch laughed wickedly and proclaimed that the knight belonged to her now. She dismounted the defeated knight and released his restrains but he did not try to attack her, instead he went on his knee and addressed her as mistress. The prince could not believe his most trusted knight told the witch everything she wanted to know. The witch then turned her attention back to the prince and sauntered towards him. "Don't you want to serve me too, my prince." his throbbing cock had already betrayed him before he could answer as the witch let her robe slide off her body with a wicked smile on her face.